268 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
SNMP Agent Appendix
– You can use the -ik option to select jobs with a specific status by means of
a keyword (e.g. NOT_ACTIVE) (see xpstat -job)
– The options -jt, -te and -sx cannot be used for job selection.
With the -st option you can select supervisors with a specific status; possible
values are ACTIVE or NOT_ACTIVE.
– With the -st option you can select servers with a specific status; possible
– With the -si option you can select servers with a specific spoolin state;
possible values are ON or OFF.
– With the -so option you can select servers with a specific spoolout state;
possible values are ON or OFF.
– You can use the -st option to select gateways with a specific status;
possible values are ACTIVE and NOT_ACTIVE.
– You can use the -gi option to select those gateways which have a specified
gateway input status; possible values are ON and OFF.
– You can use the -go option to select those gateways which have a specified
gateway output status; possible values are ON and OFF.
The options -po and -pd cannot be used for selecting hosts.
SNMP Agent
The Xprint V7.0 SNMP sub-agent is based on the UCD-SNMP (NET-SNMP)
software on Linux and Unix platforms and on the SNMP Microsoft service on
Windows NT and Windows 2000.