158 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Administering forms Configuring Xprint V7.0
● To copy a form, use the following command:
xpcopy -frm old_form_name new_form_name [modifications]
old_form_name is the name of the existing form that is to be copied,
new_form_name is the name of the new form file.
modifications represents a list of modified attributes which are to be different
for the new form. Each entry in this list consists of an option of the xpadd
-frm command plus a corresponding value.
– To define a formletter1 with the values: form layup portrait, page height 297
mm, page width 210 mm, top margin 2 cm, page length 24 cm, left margin
2.5 cm, and default font font4:
xpadd -frm letter1 -ls PORTRAIT -ph 297m -pw 210m -tm 2c \
-pl 24c -lm 2.5c -ft font4
– To copy the form invoice3 to the new form form1 without modifications:
xpcopy -frm invoice3 form1
– To copy the form invoice3 to the form form1, changing the default font to
Times, the left margin to 20 mm and the line length to 17 cm.
xpcopy -frm invoice3 form1 -ft Times -lm 20m -ll 17c
6.9.2 Deleting a form
You can delete from the Xprint V7.0 system any form you administer.
A form which is referenced by another object (e.g. the default form of an
existing printer) cannot be deleted. Neither is it possible to delete the
default form GENERIC supplied with Xprint V7.0.
To delete a form, proceed as follows:
● Log in as the Xprint V7.0 administrator.
● You can only delete a form if there are no references to other objects (e.g.
default form of a printer). Check this with the xpshow command:
xpshow -frm [selection]form -diR
For form you specify the name of exactly one form you want to delete. If you
want to delete several forms, you must repeat this command for each one.