U23841-J-Z915-6-76 145
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering permission lists
If you want to create a list of forms, you must additionally specify the option
-pt FORM (pt = permission type).
comment is an optional comment describing the permission list. Comments
can make using these permission lists later much easier. If a comment
contains blanks it must be enclosed in double quotes.
Copying a permission list
To use an existing permission list as the basis for a similar new list, copy the
existing list and modify the entries at the same time or immediately afterwards.
Use the following procedure:
● Log in as the Xprint V7.0 administrator.
● If necessary, check the existing permission lists:
xpshow -prm [-di LONG]
A list of all the available permission lists is displayed, and, if the -di LONG
option is used, also a list of the users contained in the list and whether it is
an allowed or a denied list.
● Copy your chosen permission list with a new name:
xpcopy -prm old_list new_list [modifications]
With this command you copy an existing list old_list to a new list new_list. If
you wish, you can also modify the copy at the same time by specifying
modifications. Which modifications are possible is described in the following
– To set up an allowed list right1 with the names of all users on host
delaware, enter the following command:
xpadd -prm right1 -al *@delaware -ca “+: all users on delaware“
– To set up a denied list right3 with the names of the users smith, jones and
brown on the host of the relevant object and the user grant on host nashua,
enter the following command:
xpadd -prm right3 -dn smith jones brown grant@nashua
– To set up an allowed list right2 with all users on host delaware and the user
jones on host colorado, copy the list right1 and add jones:
xpcopy -prm right1 right2 -al+ jones@colorado