U23841-J-Z915-6-76 255
Xprint V7.0 for Windows Differences from Xprint V7.0/UNIX
Be careful, the minimal version of openFT supported is the 6.0C00 and this
product must be installed in "multi-user" mode.
To configure the openFT product and GIP2 gateways please refer to the
manuals of this product.
The specific Windows operations to be performed are the following ones:
Concerning openFT:
- a password must be provided to openFT in order to enable the asynchroneous
file transfers. This is to be performed via:
’Start/Programs/openFT/Security Administration’
- the admission set of this account must allow every action.
Concerning Xprint V7.0:
- the same account and password must be provided via the tool:
'set_FTuser -i -' (for the local logged user account)’
'set_FTuser -i <DOMAIN> <USER>' (for any user account)’
ex: 'set_FTuser -i domain1 usertest' or user 'usertest' in domain 'domain1'
9.3.8 WINDOWS 2000 special files
Windows 2000 supports additional file types such as encrypted and migrated
files. With this new version of Xprint V7.0, these files are handled as described
Printing encrypted files
Xprint V7.0 runs under the system account. This account does not permit Xprint
V7.0 to access encrypted files. To print encrypted files with Xprint V7.0, two
ways are possible.
1. Encrypted files can be printed using the -cp option that makes a copy of the
file to be printed into an Xprint V7.0 temporary directory. The copy is made using
the current user account, immediately after he/she issues the xpadd command.
That copy is not encrypted and is stored in a temporary directory where it can
be accessed by everybody.