196 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Administering servers Configuring Xprint V7.0
– To add a new server nashua on the remote host colorado:
xpadd -srv nashua -ho colorado
xpchange -srv
nashua -st ACTIVE
– To add the new server delaware based on server nashua on the remote host
nile, and to specify that the new server delaware is to process the biggest
print jobs first:
xpcopy -srv nashua delaware -ho nile -sp BIG
xpchange -srv
delaware -st ACTIVE
6.15.2 Deleting a server
With the command xpdel -srv you can delete any server you administer.
When you delete a server, its directory
/var/spool/Xprint/config/SV/server_name is also deleted.
If the server has the status ACTIVE or is connected to an existing supervisor, it
cannot be deleted.
Note: If you delete a server, any jobs on it which might still be pending are also
To delete a server, proceed as follows:
● Make sure that the server is no longer connected to a supervisor and that it
is not processing any print jobs.
xpshow -srv server_name -diR
For server_name you specify the name of exactly one server you want to
delete. If you want to delete several servers, you must repeat this command
for each one.
For selection you can either specify a list of form names, or you can define a
list of selection criteria with the -scl “selection_criteria_list” option (see
section “Selection criteria list” on page 266 in the Appendix) according to
which the forms to be deleted are selected.
● If references to the server are displayed, you must remove these by
modifying the displayed objects accordingly.