U23841-J-Z915-6-76 199
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering servers
● If necessary, deactivate the relevant server(s):
xpchange -srv [selection] -st NOT_ACTIVE
● Modify the relevant attributes:
xpmod -srv [selection] modifications
For modifications you can specify all the values which can also be used when
adding a server. With the options -sp scheduling and -up user_privileges you
can define respectively what scheduling policy applies and which users can
assign supervisors to the server (see section “Administering permission
lists” on page 143). See the “Xprint V7.0 - Reference Manual” for more
detailed information.
● Reactivate the server(s):
xpchange -srv [selection]
– To modify the server nashua such that it no longer processes the jobs with
the highest priority first but the jobs with the highest security level:
xpstat -srv nashua
xpchange -srv nashua -st NOT_ACTIVE
xpmod -srv nashua -sp SECURITY
xpchange -srv nashua
– To modify all the servers of host colorado such that each server only
processes a maximum of 20 print jobs:
xpstat -srv -scl "-ho colorado"
xpchange -srv -scl "-ho colorado" -st NOT_ACTIVE
xpmod -srv -scl "-ho colorado" -mj 20
xpchange -srv -scl "-ho colorado"
(The -mj option stands for maximum jobs.)