U23841-J-Z915-6-76 131
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering printer groups
6.5.5 Reactivating a printer group
To be able to assign print jobs to a printer group, the spoolin status of this printer
group must be set to ON.
● To activate a printer group, use the following command:
xpchange -dgr [selection] [-si ON] [-ju justification]
If selection is not specified, the command refers to all the printer groups in the
Xprint V7.0 system. Otherwise you can either specify the names of the
printer groups you want to activate, or you can use the -scl
“selection_criteria_list” option (see section “Selection criteria list” on
page 266 in the Appendix) to define a list of criteria according to which the
printer groups to be activated are selected.
The option -si ON specifies the new spoolin status (in this case ON) for the
selected printer group. When -si ON is set, all the print requests for the
selected printer groups are accepted.
With the option -ju justification you specify a comment justifying the new
spoolin status. You can display this comment with the xpstat -dgr
command. This comment is deleted automatically when the -si option is
changed again with the xpchange -dgr command.
– To set the spoolin status of the printer group group1 to ON with the justification
that the group is now ready again:
xpchange -dgr group1 -si ON -ju "ready again"
– To set the spoolin status to ON for all printer groups which contain printer
printer8 (remember that all criteria used for selecting the printer groups
must be enclosed in quotes):
xpchange -dgr -scl "-dl printer8” -si ON
– To activate all printer groups:
xpchange -dgr -si ON