U23841-J-Z915-6-76 1
1 Preface
Xprint V7.0 is the output management system developed by Océ Software
Laboratories Namur S.A. for use in heterogeneous networks. It is available for
many open system platforms, for Microsoft Windows NT
and Windows 2000
It can also interact with systems such as MS-DOS
/MS Windows, BS2000 and
Some limitations exists according to the platform, please refer to chapter 9
“Xprint V7.0 for Windows”.
This manual describes how to install, configure and use Xprint V7.0, the
different chapters being designed to meet the specific requirements of different
groups of users.
1.1 Target groups
This manual is written for the following target groups:
● Users
If you want to print files via Xprint V7.0 as a general user, this manual tells
you what options are available for doing this and how to manage existing
print jobs.
● System administrators
This manual contains information for the system administrator on how to
install and configure Xprint V7.0 locally on his/her system.
● Xprint V7.0 administrators
If you are responsible for administering Xprint V7.0 in a network, this manual
informs you of the options you have for doing this and how to make the best
use of these to achieve your goals.