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Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering forms
6.9.1 Adding a form
Under Xprint V7.0 you can define any number of forms. There are two possible
ways of defining forms: you can either define a new form from scratch or you
can copy an existing form and modify it.
Defining a new form from scratch
● If you want to define a default font for the form, check first whether this font
is available in the system. To do this, display all the defined fonts using the
following command:
xpshow -fnt
Or search for the desired font font_name with the command
xpshow -fnt font_name
● Check whether the PCL of your target printer supports the desired attributes
of the new form:
xpshow -pcl pcl_name -di LONG
● Now define the new form using the following command:
xpadd -frm form_name attributes
For form_name specify the name of the form.
attributes represents a list of attributes the form is to have. Every entry in this
list consists of an option as well as a corresponding value. The following
options are available:
-ah administration_host, -ca comment_for_administrator,
-cu comment_for_user, -ft default_font, -je job_end_sheet,
-js job_start_sheet, -ll line_length, -lm left_margin, -ls layup,
-mf (mounted font), -mm mount_method, -nt notification_delivery_threshold,
-ph page_height, -pl page_length, -pw page_width, -sd side_specification,
-sp job_separator_sheet, -tm top_margin, -up user_permission,
For more information on these options, refer to the description of the
xpadd -frm command in the “Xprint V7.0 - Reference Manual”.
Defining a form on the basis of an existing form
A simple way of defining a new form is to copy an existing one to a form name.
If necessary, you can also modify the new form at the same time.