Groundsmaster 4100--DPage 5 -- 18Electrical System
Parking Brake Switch
The switch used fortheparkingbrakeisanormallyopen
switch that is located under the steering tower cover
(Fig. 26). When the parking brake is not applied, the
parking brake pawl depresses the switch plunger to
close the switch. When the parking brake is applied, the
parking brake pawl is positioned away from the switch
plunger so the switch is in its normal, open state.
1. Make sure the engine is off. Locate parking brake
switch for testing.
2. Disconnect wire harness connector from the switch.
3. Check the continuity of the switch by connecting a
multimeter (ohms setting) across the connector termi-
4. When the switch plunger is extended there should
not be continuity between the switch terminals.
5. Whentheswitchplunger isdepressed,thereshould
be continuity between the switch terminals.
6. After testing, connect switch connector to wire har-
1. Parking brake switch
2. Parking brake rod
3. Parking brake pawl
Figure 26