Greensmaster 3150Page 5 -- 28Electrical System
Service and Repairs
Verify Interlock System Operation
The interlock switches are for the operator’s
protection; do not disconnect them. Check the
operation of the switches daily to assure the in-
terlock system is operating. If a switch is defec-
tive, replace it before operating the machine.
The purposes of the interlock switches are to:
A. Prevent the engine from cranking or starting un-
less the functional control lever is in NEUTRAL.
B. Prevent operating the traction pedal with the
functional control lever in NEUTRAL.
C. Shut off the engine if the operator leaves the seat
without the functional control lever in NEUTRAL.
D. Shut off the reels if the functional control lever is
1. Sit on the seat, engage parking brake and move
functional control lever to NEUTRAL. Try to depress
traction pedal. If the pedal does not depress, the inter-
lock system is operating correctly. Correctproblem if not
operating properly.
2. Sit on the seat, engage parking brake, keep traction
pedal in neutral and place functional control lever in
MOW or TRANSPORT. Try to start the engine. If the en-
gine does not crank, the interlock system is operating
correctly. Correct problem if not operating properly.
3. Siton the seat and start engine. Move functional con-
trol lever to MOW. Raise off the seat. If the engine stops,
the interlock system is operating correctly. Correct prob-
lem if not operating properly.
4. Siton the seat and start engine. Move functional con-
trol lever to TRANSPORT. Raise off the seat. If the en -
gine stops, the interlock system is operating correctly.
Correct problem if not ope rating properly.
5. Sit on the seat, engage parking brake, keep traction
pedal in neutral and place functional control lever in
NEUTRAL. Start the engine. Move Raise / Lower -- Mow
Control Lever forward to lower the cutting units. If the
units do not start rotating, the interlock system is operat-
ing correctly. Correct problem if not operating properly.
6. Sit on the seat and set the parking brake. Start the
engine and move the functional control lever to MOW.
If the enginestops, the interlocksystem is operating cor-
rectly. Correct problem if not operating properly.