Greensmaster 3150 Page 5 -- 23 Electrical System
Fusible Links
The electrical system on Greensmaster 3150 machines
includes two (2) fusible links for machine circuit protec-
One of these fusible links is included in the main wire
harness. This fusible link and the positive (+) battery
cable attach to one of the starter solenoid main contact
posts. The second fusible link is included in the engine
wire harness. This fusible link connects to the output
lead at the regulator/rectifier.
If either of theselinks shouldfail, current to the protected
circuit will cease. Refer to the electrical schematic and
wire harness drawings in Chapter 9 -- Foldout Drawings
for additional circuit information.
Make sure that ignition switch is OFF. Disconnect nega-
tive (--) battery cable from battery terminal and then dis -
connect positive (+) cable from battery (see Battery
Service in the Service and Repairs section of this chap-
ter). Locate fusible link in wire harness. Use a multimeter
to make sure that continuity exists across the fusible
link. If a fusible link is open, replace the fusible link.
After testing is complete, make sure that all wire harness
connectors are secured. Connect positive (+) battery
cable to battery terminal first and then connect negative