Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Page 5 -- 39 Electrical System
Traction Pedal Position Sensor
The traction pedal position sensor is connected to the
traction pedal assembly (Fig. 46). This position sensor
determines the neutral band for the traction pedal, the
direction of travel desired by the operator and the trac-
tion speed. The position sensor is a single analog, dual
digital signal electronic device. The position sensor por-
tion is a variable resistor that provides an analog signal
for the TEC controller to determine th e desired ground
speed based onhow far thetraction pedal is moved. The
traction pedal position sensor also houses two (2)
switches that are used to determine the neutral position
(deadband) and theindicated directionof travel (forward
or reverse). As the traction pedal is depressed, the inter-
nal wiper of the position sensor moves and sends the
analog signal to the TEC controller to determine ma-
chine direction and speed.
The traction pedal position sensor must be calibrated
with the TEC controller to determine the neutral and full
speed set points for both the forward and reverse direc-
tions. The position sensor calibration process can be
completed using the InfoCenter display.
A properly installed and calibrated traction pedal posi-
tion sensor is critical to accurate traction response and
position sensor life. Use care when installing and cali-
brating the position sensor.
Before suspecting a faulty position sensor, the sensor
and itscircuit wiring should betested as a TEC inputwith
the InfoCenter Display (see InfoCenter Display in this
chapter). If necessary, follow calibration procedures for
the traction pedal position sensor found in the Adjust-
ments section of this chapter. If position sensor replace-
ment is necessary, refer to Traction Pedal in the Service
and Repairs section of Chapter 7 -- Chassis.
1. Traction pe dal 2. Pedal position sensor
Figure 46