Chapter 3 Troubleshooting Tools 29
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
Monitoring Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+
Arrays Using the Explorer Data
Collection Utility
The Explorer Data Collection Utility script is included on the Storage Service
Processor in the /export/packages directory.
The Explorer Data Collection Utility is not installed by default, but can be installed
during rack setup. Customer-specific site information can be entered at that time.
To find out more about the Explorer Data Collection Utility, you can access the web
site with the following URL:
▼ To Install the Explorer Data Collection Utility on
the Storage Service Processor
1. Type:
2. When you are prompted for site-specific information during the installation
process, you can optionally click Return to accept the blank defaults.
Caution – Do not accept automatic emailing of the Explorer Data Collection Utility
output unless the Storage Service Processor is set up to handle mail correctly.
# cd /export/packages
# pkgadd -d . SUNWexplo
Automatic Email Submission
Would you like all explorer output to be sent to:
at the completion of explorer when -mail or -e is specified?
[y,n] n