Chapter 10 Troubleshooting Using Microsoft Windows 2000 145
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
TABLE 10-1 lists some of the codes and descriptions for CLI output for a Sun StorEdge
6910 series system.
TABLE 10-1 Tips for Interpreting Sun StorEdge 6910 Series CLI Output
Component Output Code Description
Device FW_REV Firmware revision level of the virtualization engine
WWN The worldwide name of the Master virtualization engine of
the partner group.
LUN NAME Microsoft Windows 2000 Device letter
WWN • The first 16 digits correspond to the Master virtualization
engine WWN from the Device section.
• The last 16 digits are the VLUN serial number.
You can crosscheck the WWN using:
• The SUNWsecfg virtualization engine maps
• The Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment’s device
monitoring section (click on virtualization engine to view
PATH The individual physical paths to the HBAs
TYPE All paths in a 6910 configuration should be Primary.