Sun Microsystems 3900 Outdoor Storage User Manual

Chapter 10 Troubleshooting Using Microsoft Windows 2000 145
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
TABLE 10-1 lists some of the codes and descriptions for CLI output for a Sun StorEdge
6910 series system.
TABLE 10-1 Tips for Interpreting Sun StorEdge 6910 Series CLI Output
Component Output Code Description
Device FW_REV Firmware revision level of the virtualization engine
WWN The worldwide name of the Master virtualization engine of
the partner group.
LUN NAME Microsoft Windows 2000 Device letter
WWN The first 16 digits correspond to the Master virtualization
engine WWN from the Device section.
The last 16 digits are the VLUN serial number.
You can crosscheck the WWN using:
The SUNWsecfg virtualization engine maps
The Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment’s device
monitoring section (click on virtualization engine to view
PATH The individual physical paths to the HBAs
TYPE All paths in a 6910 configuration should be Primary.