Sun Microsystems 3900 Outdoor Storage User Manual

172 Sun StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series 2.0 Troubleshooting Guide March 2003
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
The Sun StorEdge T3+ array is not
of T3B type, so it aborts operations.
t3config utilities are supported
only in the Sun StorEdge T3+ array;
the t3config utilities are not
supported on Sun StorEdge T3+
arrays with 1.xx firmware.
1. Refer to the T3 default/custom
configuration table in the Sun
StorEdge 3900 and 6900 Series 2.0
Reference and Service Guide.
2. Use showt3-n t3_name to
display the present configuration.
3. Check the Sun StorEdge T3+
firmware version (it should be
version 2.01.00 or higher).
Upgrade if required.
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
No response received from
$t3_name. Aborting operation.
1. Check the Sun StorEdge T3+
network connection.
2. Check with Ping $t3_name
command to determine if the Sun
StorEdge T3+ array is operating.
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
volslice is not enabled on this Sun
StorEdge T3+ array.
Check the T3+ firmware (2.01.00 or
higher) to make sure volume slicing
is allowed with this version of
Common to Sun
StorEdge T3+ array
Error while opening the Sun
StorEdge T3+ array.
Cannot openafter resetting the Sun
StorEdge T3+ array.
1. Check the Sun StorEdge T3+
master and alternate master
network connection.
2. Check with Ping $t3_name
command to determine if the Sun
StorEdge T3+ array is operating.
checkt3config The vol init command is being
executed by another user. Additional
vol commands cannot run.
1. Check whether any other secfg
utility is running.
2. If an secfg utility is running,
allow it to finish.
checkt3config An error occurred while the
checkt3config command was
checking the process list, causing the
t3_name to abort.
Check whether any other
secfg T3+ or native Sun StorEdge
T3+ array commands are being
executed on that particular Sun
StorEdge T3+ array.
checkt3config Snapshot configuration files are not
present. Unable to check
1. Verify that the snapshot files are
saved and have read permissions
in the
/ directory.
2. If the snapshot files are not
available, create them using the
savet3config command.
TABLE B-3 Sun StorEdge T3+ Array Error Messages (Continued)
Source of Error Message Cause of Error Message Suggested Corrective Action