Sun Microsystems 3900 Outdoor Storage User Manual

Appendix B Configuration Utility Error Messages 165
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
Common to
virtualization engine
After resetting the virtualization
engine, the $VENAME is
The hardware might be faulty.
Check the IP address and netmask
that has been assigned to the
virtualization engine hardware.
Be aware that the machine takes
approximately 30 seconds to boot
after a reset.
Common to
virtualization engine
The device-side operating mode is
not set properly.
The device-side UID reporting
scheme is not set properly.
The host-side operating mode is
not set properly.
The host-side LUN mapping mode
is not set properly.
The host-side Command Queue
Depth is not set properly.
The host-side UID distinguish is
not set properly.
The IP is not set properly.
The subnet mask is not set
The default gateway is not set
The server port number is not set
The host WWN Authentications
are not set properly.
The hostIP Authentications are not
set properly.
The Other VEHOST IP is not set
1. Log in to the virtualization engine
and verify that the device, host,
and network settings are correct.
2. Make sure the virtualization
engine hardware is not in ERROR
50 mode.
3. If required, power cycle the
virtualization engine hardware, or
disable the host side switch port.
4. Run the setupve -n ve_name
command and enable the switch
checkslicd The virtualization engine cannot
establish communication with the
Run startslicd -n ${vepair}.
checkslicd The virtualization engine cannot
establish communication with the
virtualization engine pair
${vepair} initiator
1. Determine the host name
associated with ${initiator}
by using the showvemap -n
${vepair} -f command
2. Run the command resetve -n
TABLE B-1 Virtualization Engine Error Messages (Continued)
Source of Error Message Cause of Error Message Suggested Corrective Action