Removal and Installation Procedures
MTG100 & MTG300 MPEG Generator Service Manual
1. Assemble equipment and locate modules to be removed:
a. You need a screwdriver with a 1/4–inch nut driver (Item 5).
b. Locate the modules to be removed in the locator diagram Rear panel
modules , Figure 6-5, page 6-16.
2. Orient instrument: Set the MPEG generator so its bottom is down on the
work surface and its rear is facing you.
3. Remove the ECL CONTROL connector: See Figure 6-22.
a. Unplug the cable from the A10 Main board.
b. Using a 1/4-inch nut driver, unscrew the two hex-headed mounting posts
securing the connector to the chassis. Pull the connector away.
4. Reinstallation: Perform step 3 in reverse order to reinstall the ECL CON-
TROL connector.