92 Graphics and Layers
FXDeko User’s Guide
Word wrap
Automatically wraps words to the next row, as necessary, to keep
text within the text field box.
Cuts through all elements behind a layer to show keyed video on
the layer. You can perform motions on the keyhole layer. This
differs from a keyhole shader in that it is applied to the whole layer,
whereas a keyhole shader is applied only to a detail and cannot be
• None
No automatic text scaling.
• Scale to fit box
Scales text up or down to exactly fit the layer.
• Shrink to fit box
Scales text down, if necessary, to fit within the layer.
Text initialization
Determines how the layer is initialized when its graphic is opened.
A text string to display in the field, or a record number, or the name
of a macro file, or the query string created by the Database window.
See Usage below.
Specifies whether FXDeko use text, a macro (which must return a
string), or data in an .aut file, or requests data from an automation
host to initialize the field.
Update freq
Specifies how often, in seconds, to run a macro or request data
from an automation host.