
78 Creating Styles
FXDeko User’s Guide
2. In the Shader window, click the preset button.
To assign the current shader to a preset shader
Do one of the following:
Right-click the preset shader button.
Activate the Shader window (F7), then choose Preset Shader
Set from the Shader menu and select a preset shader from the
drop-down menu.
To save the current preset shaders:
1. Activate the Shader window (F7).
2. From the File menu choose Save Preset Shaders (Ctrl+S or Alt+F12)
or Save Preset Shaders As (F12).
3. To name the file, navigate in the Save As dialog box to the drive
and directory where you will store the file, type a name in the File
Name text box, then click OK or press Enter.
When you save a preset shader file, FXDeko automatically
attaches “.shd” to the file name. Do not type a different