
Automation 173
FXDeko User’s Guide
To specify a DSN:
1. Click Start at the bottom of your desktop, choose Settings, then
double-click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the ODBC icon to open the ODBC Data Source
Administrator dialog box.
3. Click one of the following:
User DSN
to create a data source which is visible only to you and can
only be used on the current machine.
System DSN
to create a data source which is visible to all users on the
current machine.
File DSN
to create a data source which allows you to connect to a data
provider and which can be shared by multiple users who have
the correct driver installed.
4. Click the Add button, select the driver for which you want to set up
a data source, then click Finish.
5. Type in a Data Source Name.
6. Click the Select button, navigate to the database file, then click OK.
Click OK two more times to close the dialog box.
To set up a layer to query a database:
1. Select the layer.
2. From the View menu, select Database to open the Database
3. In the window, choose a Database Name, then check the
Connect box.
4. Choose a Table In Database.
5. Specify a record within that table by selecting a Record Number
and entering a Field Value for that field.
6. In Display Field, choose the field whose data to display in the layer.
7. Enter a value in the Frequency box to specify how many seconds to
wait between requests to the data source for updates. If Frequency
is set to zero, the automation interface will issue the request only
8. Click Create Query.