
200 Menu Commands
FXDeko User’s Guide
Convert Sequence to Macro
Converts the current sequence into its equivalent macro. Playback
of the resulting macro recreates the sequence.
Pause Macro (Pause)
Pauses or resumes playback of the currently playing macro.
Play Macro (Alt+F2)
Plays the current macro.
Record Macro (Ctrl+F2)
Toggles the macro recorder on or off.
Stop Macro Playback (Ctrl+Pause)
Stops playback of the currently playing macro.
Clear Motion
Restores default settings to the active Motion window.
Delete Motion Descriptor
Deletes the selected line—or motion descriptor—from the active
Motion window.
Insert Motion Descriptor
Inserts a new line—or new default motion descriptor—into the
active Motion window.
Configure Clip Server
Provides a dialog box for configuring clip server for use with
Thunder or Lightning.
Enabled Options
Provides a list of FXDeko options. Marked check boxes indicate
enabled options.
Factory Defaults
Resets FXDeko options to their original (factory default) settings.
Hardware Settings
Opens the FXDeko Hardware Settings menu.
Allows a user to customize FXDeko’s configuration. See User
Save Settings Now
Saves FXDeko’s current settings.
Save Settings on Exit
Saves changes to FXDeko option settings automatically, every time
you exit FXDeko.