
70 Creating Styles
FXDeko User’s Guide
Highlight Options
Highlight Size
Specifies the size of the highlight relative to the height of the ramp,
up to 100 percent.
Highlight Angle
Specifies the angle (-360 to 360) of the highlight. An angle of zero
produces a horizontal highlight.
Highlight H Offset
Specifies the horizontal position of the highlight in the ramp.
Negative values offset the highlight to the left, positive values to
the right.
Highlight V Offset
Specifies the vertical position of the highlight in the ramp. Negative
values offset the highlight down, positive values up.
To apply a texture to a detail:
1. Activate the detail’s shader.
2. At the top of the Shader window, choose Texture.
3. Do one of the following:
In the File Name text box, type name of the texture file.
Press Browse, then double-click a thumbnail in the Texture
4. Specify texture options as desired.
The texture is copied from its file, in its original size, and
“pasted” onto the detail. Texture size doesn’t change. The
larger the detail, the greater the area of texture that is applied
to it.
In addition to FXDeko (.dko) graphics, FXDeko can import
several file types, including: Bitmap (.dib, .rle), Windows
Bitmap (.bmp), Photo CD (.pcd), PCX (.pcx), Photoshop (.psd),
Windows metafile (.wmf), TIFF (.tif), Targa (.tga), JPEG (.jpg),
Graphics Factory stills (.gf), videoDesigner stills(.tv),
Kseries/Presto ppic (.20k), and Pinnacle (.g) files created in
FlashFile, Lightning or Genie, to use as textures.
Multiple FXDeko graphics can use the same texture file.
To replace one texture with another:
1. Specify a texture shader as described above.
2. In the Shader window, click Replace.
3. On the FastAction keyboard, type a different texture filename in the
counter and press <Alt><Read Program>. Deko searches the open
graphic for the first object that has a texture marked. Replace, then