Timer Terms
There are two available Timer terms, each of which may be assigned to either
of the two analyzers, but not both. Timers can be used as either the trigger
term, the store term, or a branching term, within a sequence level. With
timers inserted into sequence levels, you can start a timer in one level, pause
it, or stop it in another sequence level.
As with other resource terms, timers are either true or false. Timers start as
you enter the sequence level, and when its count expires, it becomes true. If
a timer is paused in one level, it must be continued in another level before it
can count through and become true. Timers can also be inverted, so a timer
can start as true and become false when its count expires.
Timer Assignment
To assign a time value to the Timer 1, 2 terms, you use a pop-up keypad
which appears when you select the assignment field.
Timer Term Assignment
The Trigger Menu
Timer Terms