Lantronix 900-560 Pole Saw User Manual

11 Maintenance and Diagnostics Settings
XPort Pro™ User Guide 95
The Ack Limit specifies how many packets must be received before an ACK is
forced. If there is a large amount of data to acknowledge, an ACK will be forced
before this.
If the sender TCP implementation waits for an ACK before sending more data even
though the window is open, setting Ack Limit to "1" packet will improve performance
by forcing immediate acknowledgements.
Send Data:
The Send Data selection governs when data may be sent into the network. The
Standard implementation waits for an ACK before sending a packet less than the
maximum length. Select Expedited to send data whenever the window allows it.
Click Submit after changing the desired settings.
IP Settings
Figure 11-4. IP Protocol Page
1. On the IP Protocol page, enter the number of hops a transmitted multicast packet
may make before it is terminated, as a Multicast Time to Live limit.
2. Click Submit after changing the value.