Lantronix 900-560 Pole Saw User Manual

9 Security Settings
XPort Pro™ User Guide 79
SSH Server Authorized Users
On this page you can change SSH server settings for Authorized Users.
SSH Server Authorized Users are accounts on the XPort that can be used to log into
the XPort Pro using SSH. For instance, these accounts can be used to SSH into the
CLI or open an SSH connection to a device port. Every account must have a
The user's public keys are optional and only necessary if public key authentication is
required. Using public key authentication allows a connection to be made without the
password being asked.
Under Current Configuration, User has a Delete User link, and Public RSA Key
and Public DSA Key have View Key and Delete Key links. If you click a Delete link,
a message asks whether you are sure you want to delete this information. Click OK
to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation.
To configure the SSH server for authorized users:
1. Click SSH on the menu bar and then Server Authorized Users at the top of the
page. The SSH Server: Authorized Users page appears.
Figure 9-2. SSH Server: Authorized Users