Lantronix 900-560 Pole Saw User Manual

9 Security Settings
XPort Pro™ User Guide 80
2. Enter or modify the following settings:
SSH Server:
Authorized Users
Page Settings
Enter the name of the user authorized to access the SSH
Enter the password associated with the username.
Public RSA Key
Enter the path and name of the existing public RSA key
you want to use with this user or use the Browse button
to select the key. If authentication is successful with the
key, no password is required.
Public DSA Key
Enter the path and name of the existing public DSA key
you want to use with this user or use the Browse button
to select the key. If authentication is successful with the
key, no password is required.
3. Click Submit.
SSH Client Known Hosts
On this page you can change SSH client settings for known hosts.
Note: You do not have to complete the fields on this page for communication to
occur. However, completing them adds another layer of security that protects against
Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks.
To configure the SSH client for known hosts:
1. Click SSH on the menu bar and then Client Known Hosts at the top of the page.
The SSH Client: Known Hosts page appears.
Figure 9-3. SSH Client: Known Hosts
2. Enter or modify the following settings: