259Creating volumes
Creating a volume using vxmake
If each column in a RAID-5 plex is to be created from multiple subdisks which
may span several physical disks, you can specify to which column each subdisk
should be added. For example, to create a three-column RAID-5 plex using six
subdisks, use the following form of the
vxmake command:
# vxmake -g mydg plex raidplex layout=raid5 stwidth=32 \
sd=mydg00-00:0,mydg01-00:1,mydg02-00:2,mydg03-00:0, \
This command stacks subdisks mydg00-00 and mydg03-00 consecutively in
column 0, subdisks mydg01-00 and mydg04-00 consecutively in column 1, and
subdisks mydg02-00 and mydg05-00 in column 2. Offsets can also be specified
to create sparse RAID-5 plexes, as for striped plexes.
Log plexes may be created as default concatenated plexes by not specifying a
layout, for example:
# vxmake -g mydg plex raidlog1 sd=mydg06-00
# vxmake -g mydg plex raidlog2 sd=mydg07-00
The following command creates a RAID-5 volume, and associates the prepared
RAID-5 plex and RAID-5 log plexes with it:
# vxmake -g mydg -Uraid5 vol raidvol \
Note: Each RAID-5 volume has one RAID-5 plex where the data and parity are
stored. Any other plexes associated with the volume are used as RAID-5 log
plexes to log information about data and parity being written to the volume.
After creating a volume using
vxmake, you must initialize it before it can be used.
The procedure is described in “Initializing and starting a volume” on page 260.
Creating a volume using a vxmake description file
You can use the vxmake command to add a new volume, plex or subdisk to the set
of objects managed by VxVM.
vxmake adds a record for each new object to the
VxVM configuration database. You can create records either by specifying
parameters to
vxmake on the command line, or by using a file which contains
plain-text descriptions of the objects. The file can also contain commands for
performing a list of tasks. Use the following form of the command to have
vxmake read the file from the standard input:
# vxmake [-g diskgroup] < description_file
Alternatively, you can specify the file to vxmake using the -d option:
# vxmake [-g diskgroup] -d description_file