Chapter 2: Task Guide
To select transitional timing or store qualified
More on Store Qualification in Transitional
When Transitions is selected on the Default Storing subtab, the
default store qualification is setup to store data on all channels if an
edge/transition occurs on any one channel. Only active channels
(channels assigned to labels) are used. No further user action is
If certain channels have a high occurrence of transitions that are
meaningless in the context of the measurement, they can be ignored
with the following procedure.
1. Select Select Labels.
2. From the Transitions Label Select dialog that appears, highlight the
desired label from the Available Labels list, then select the right-arrow to
move the selection to the Ignore Edges On list.
3. Repeat as needed for additional labels.
4. Select OK to save the selection and close the dialog. Selecting Cancel, will
undo any changes and close the dialog.
Unlike the Custom default storing mode, when Transitions is
selected, no other qualifier events like patterns, ranges, etc., are
available. Also, storing cannot be enabled or disabled in the sequence
branch action lists.
NOTE: If you have a bit that is shared across multiple labels, all labels containing that
bit must be on the Ignore list before transitions on that bit will no longer cause
a sample to be stored.
More on Storing Transitions
Minimum Transitions Stored
Normally, transitions have not occurred at each sample period. This is
illustrated below with time-tags 2, 5, 7, and 14. When transitions