Chapter 3: Reference
Error Messages
• Cannot AND more than 16 non-split pattern events if the pattern events
are all on the same pod pair.
• Can AND up to 160 non-split pattern events if the pattern events are
evenly distributed across all 10 pod pairs on a 5 card set (16 pattern events
per pod pair).
Specific Guidelines - 333/400 Mb/s State Modes
• Cannot AND or OR more than 8 non-split pattern events if the pattern
events are all on the same pod pair.
• Cannot OR more than 4 non-split pattern events if each pattern event is on
a different pod pair. You can, however, OR 2 patterns together on each of 4
different pod pairs to make a total of 8 patterns ORed across 4 pod pairs.
• Cannot AND or OR more than 4 non-split ranges if the pattern events are
all on the same pod pair.
• Cannot AND or OR more than 2 split equality (=,!=) pattern events.
• Cannot specify more than 1 split inequality (<,<=,>,>=) pattern events.
• Cannot specify any range on a split label.
• In 333/400 Mb/s State Mode, the trigger sequence compiler must combine
elements of the trigger events of the previous sequence level and the next
sequence with the current sequence level, thereby increasing the total
complexity of the current level. A sequence level that may compile fine
when its the only level in the sequence, may be too complex to compile
another level is inserted before or after it.
One possible workaround to this problem is to insert a simple "If anything"
sequence level in between two complex levels. The disadvantage to this
approach, of course, is that the trigger sequence will miss one state in
between the two complex sequence levels.
If the following sequence does not compile:
1 If (complex event list)
occurs 1 time
then Goto Next
2 If (complex event list)
occurs 1 time
then Trigger and fill memory
This one may: