Chapter 3: Reference
Specifications and Characteristics
What is a Specification?
A Specification is a numeric value, or range of values, that bounds the
performance of a product parameter. The product warranty covers the
performance of parameters described by specifications. Products
shipped from the factory meet all specifications. Additionally, the
products sent to Agilent Technologies Customer Service Centers for
calibration and returned to the customer meet all specifications.
Specifications are verified by Calibration Procedures.
What is a Calibration
Calibration procedures verify that products or systems operate within
the specifications. Parameters covered by specifications have a
corresponding calibration procedure. Calibration procedures include
both performance tests and system verification procedure. Calibration
procedures are traceable and must specify adequate calibration
Calibration procedures verify products meet the specifications by
comparing measured parameters against a pass-fail limit. The pass-fail
limit is the specification less any required guardband.
The term "calibration" refers to the process of measuring parameters
and referencing the measurement to a calibration standard rather than
the process of adjusting products for optimal performance, which is
referred to as an "operational accuracy calibration".
What is a Characteristic?
Characteristics describe product performance that is useful in the
application of the product, but that is not covered by the product
warranty. Characteristics describe performance that is typical of the
majority of a given product, but not subject to the same rigor
associated with specifications.
Characteristics are verified by Function Tests.