
NOTE: If desired, extension spring tension can be re-
moved from idler pulley by loosening two (2) flange nuts
that secure spring arm to frame. Use 1/2” drive breaker
bar inserted into spring arm to hold arm, remove upper
carriage screw and flange nut and rotate spring arm to
relax spring (Fig. 13).
3. Lift idler pulley to release tension on secondary drive
belt (Fig. 14). While holding idler away from belt, remove
belt from secondary drive pulley. Carefully lower idler
4. Loosen and remove two (2) lock nuts and hardened
D washers that secure rotolink damper for #1 stomper
arm (see Rotolink Damper Removal in this section).
Lower rotolink damper from coring head frame.
5. Remove secondary drive belt from coring crankshaft
6. Route drive belt down through coring head frame
and around lower end of #1 stomper arm to remove sec-
ondary drive belt from machine (Fig. 15 and 16).
Installation (Fig. 12)
1. Route secondary drive belt around lower end of #1
stomper arm and up through coring head frame (Fig. 15
and 16).
2. Position drive belt to coring crankshaft pulley.
3. Lift idler pulley to allow installation of belt to secon-
dary drive pulley (Fig. 14). Carefully lower idler pulley to
tension drive belt.
4. Raise rotolink damper for #1 stomper arm to coring
head frame. Make sure that damper standoff and top
spacer are on damper studs. Secure damper to coring
head frame with two (2) hardened D washers and lock
nuts (see Rotolink Damper Installation in this section).
5. Install belt cover and rear hood to machine (see Op-
erator’s Manual).
6. Remove service latch from coring head before using
Figure 14
1. Secondary drive pulley 3. Secondary drive belt
2. Idler pulley
Figure 15
1. Secondary drive belt 2. #1 stomper arm
Coring Head
Figure 16
1. Secondary drive belt 2. #1 rotolink damper
ProCore 648 Page 7 – 13 Coring Head