Control Module Outputs
3. The SVR output LED will be illuminated in two situa-
1. The SVQ output LED will be illuminated in two situa-
A. Both ”OK to lower” and transport #1 LED’s are
not illuminated.
B. ”OK to lower” LED is illuminated and aerate #4
LED is not illuminated.
2. The SVL output LED will be illuminated in three situa-
A. ”OK to lower” LED is illuminated and ground fol-
low LED is not illuminated.
B. Both ”OK to lower” and ground follow LED’s are
illuminated and aerate #4 LED is not illuminated.
C. ”OK to lower”, ground follow, aerate #4 and head
high limit LED’s are all illuminated.
A. Both ”OK to lower” and transport #1 LED’s are
not illuminated.
B. ”OK to lower”, ground follow, aerate #4 and head
low limit LED’s are all illuminated.
ProCore 648
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Electrical System