Front Panel Operations
Additional Features
Reading Instrument Software Versions
Perform the procedure in Figure 2-22 to view the version of the internal software that is
controlling the instrument’s operation. Two software versions are identified with this
procedure: the main software that operates all instrument functions, and the analog-to-
digital software that operates the instrument analog-to-digital converter.
Reading the Software Versions. Press the left
and right arrow keys simultaneously to generate a
display that shows the software versions in the
following format:
A 4.7
Main Software
Version (Ver. 6.3
Converter Software
Version (Ver. 4.7
Press the CANCL key to exit.
Figure 2-22. Reading Instrument Software Versions
Returning to the Local Mode
Perform the procedure in Figure 2-23 to return the instrument from the remote mode to
the local mode. When the instrument is operated over the RS-232 computer interface, the
computer can disable all front panel controls except the Q key, which lights the REM
annunciator (bright). If the REM annunciator is dim, the front panel keys are locked out
(see Figure 2-24).
Returning to the LOCAL Mode. Press the
SHIFT key to return instrument control from
RS–232 computer interface control to front panel
control. When the computer has control, the
REM annunciator is on (bright) and only the
SCAN key operates, triggering single scans. A
return to LOCAL control is allowed at any time,
even during scanning. (This assumes the RWLS
computer command has not been invoked. See
Section 4 for information on commands REMS,
RWLS, and LOCS.)
Figure 2-23. Returning to LOCAL Mode