Computer Operations
Computer Interface Commands and Operation
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
LOCK? Returns the instrument front panel lock status, as selected with the LOCK command.
0 Front panel keys are unlocked. All key functions are enabled.
1 Front panel keys are locked, except for up/down and left/right arrow
keys, which are used to review the minimum, maximum and last
values of any channel
2 Front panel keys are unlocked, except for the up/down arrow keys,
which are used to monitor any channel.
3 Front panel keys can be used, except those used to configure a
LOCS Local without Lockout
All front panel keys are enabled, and the REM annunciator is not lit. This is the state
assumed by the instrument at power-up reset. To disable all the front panel keys,
use the LWLS command.
LOG? Retrieve Logged Data Query
Return the oldest logged scan values for all configured channels and remove them
from internal memory (maximum 100 scans). This query is valid during scanning.
The remaining count of stored scans (LOG_COUNT? command) is decremented by
1. Channels defined as OFF are not included. If there are no logged scans to
remove, an
Execution Error is generated.
The returns includes the following information:
• Date and time at the start of the logged scan.
• Values for the channels measured.
• Status of ALARM OUTPUTS, DIGITAL I/O, and totalize count.
Logging scans in internal memory is enabled by the PRINT and PRINT_TYPE
Example: LOG? returns 16,15,30,7,21,94,+034.53E-3 VAC,+09.433E+0
VDC,+1.2043E+6 OHMS,15,255,+00.000E+3 [The oldest recorded scan, that
started at 1600 hours, 15 minutes, 30 seconds, on July 21, 1994, measured three
channels with readings 34.53mVAC, 9.433 VDC, 1.2043 M OHMS, with ALARM
OUTPUTS status 15, DIGITAL I/O status 255, and totalize count of 0 (RATE 0 and
FORMAT 2 are asserted).]
Retrieve specified scan data from internal memory.
LOGGED? <index>
<index> = (1,2, 3, .. , 100)
A maximum of 100 scans can be recorded in the internal memory. This command is
used to retrieve a particular scan. If the <<index>> number has no associated scan,
an Execution Error is returned. Logging scans in internal memory is enabled by the
PRINT and PRINT_TYPE commands.
Scan data is returned in the same format as for the LOG? query.