Computer Operations
Computer Interface Commands and Operation
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference
<CNTL><C> Abort Command
Stops execution of command
*CLS Clear Status
Clears all event registers (ESR, (IER) summarized in the status byte.
*ESE Event Status Enable
Sets the Event Status Enable Register to the given value.
*ESE <value>
<value> = (0 .. 255)
The ESE register is used to enable or mask the output bits of the Standard
Event Status Register (ESR). The ANDed output of the ESE and ESR is
the Event Status Bit (ESB), which is used as an input for the Status Byte
Register. See the previous discussion on status registers for more
Example: *ESE 176 [Enables the ESR byte 10110000 (decimal 176),
which means the ESB will be set logic high by a Power Transition -or-
Command Error -or- Execution Error.]
*ESE? Event Status Enable Query
Returns an integer representing the present value of the Event Status
Enable Register, as selected with the *ESE command. See the previous
discussion on status registers for more information.
Example: *ESE? returns 160 [the ESE register is set for 10100000
(decimal 160), which means the Event Status Bit (ESB) will be set logic
high by a Power Transition -or- Command Error]
*ESR? Event Status Register Query
Returns the value of the Standard Event Status Register (ESR) as an
integer, then clears the register to 0. See the previous discussion on status
registers for more information.
Example: *ESR? returns 48 [The ESR register is set for 00110000
(decimal 48), which means a Command Error and Execution Error were
detected since last queried.]