Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
ALARM_ASSOC? Alarm Association Query
Returns alarm output associations at the rear panel DIGITAL I/O connector
for channels 4 to 20.
<channel> = (4 .. 20)
<limit_num> = 1 or 2
This command returns an integer that represents the DIGITAL I/O line
active at the rear panel DIGITAL I/O connector for the specified channel
and alarm limit. If default settings are in effect, returns follow the table
I/O 4 I/O 5 I/O 6 I/O 7
Chan Chan Chan Chan
4 567
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19
If there is no association between an alarm and DIGITAL I/O line, there is
no return and an Execution Error is generated.
Example: ALARM_ASSOC? 10,1 returns 2 [For channel 10, alarm Limit 1,
will assert DIGITAL I/O line 2].
ALARM_ASSOC_CLR Clear Alarm Association
Clears an alarm output association at the rear panel DIGITAL I/O
connector for channels 4 to 20.
ALARM_ASSOC_CLR <channel>,<limit_num>
<channel> = (4 .. 20)
<limit_num> = 1 2
This command removes all association between a DIGITAL I/O line at the
rear panel DIGITAL I/O connector for the specified channels 4 to 20 and
alarm limit. After application of this command, the previously associated
DIGITAL I/O line is set high and new alarm conditions on this channel’s
alarm limit will not assert the DIGITAL I/O line. If this command is entered
during scanning while logging to the memory card, and Execution Error is
Example: ALARM_ASSOC>CLR 10,1 [Channel 10, alarm Limit 1, remove
all association with a DIGITAL I/O line.]