Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
RTD_R0? RTD Ice-Point (R0) Query
Returns the RTD R0 (ice-point resistance) value for the indicated channel. (The 0
portion of R0 in the RTD_R0 command is the number zero.)
RTD_R0? <channel>
<channel< = 0,1,2, ... 20
If the channel number is invalid, an Execution Error is generated. If a channel is
defined OFF, or if no change has been made to R0 for a channel, the value
"+100.00E+0" (default) is returned.
RWLS Remote with Lockout (RS-232 only)
Enter the IEEE-488.1 remote with front panel lockout (RWLS) state. All front panel
buttons are disabled, and the REM annunciator is lit.
If this command is used with the IEEE-488 interface, an Execution Error is