Performance Tests
3. Remove the Input Module from the rear of Hydra Series II. Open the Input Module
and jumper the H (high) terminal of channels 1, 2, and 3 together. Connect a test
lead to the H of channel 1. Also jumper the L (low) terminals of channel 1, 2, and 3
together. Connect a second test lead to the L of channel 1. Reinstall the Input
Module into Hydra Series II. Refer to Figure 7-4.
4. Switch power ON.
5. Using a digital multimeter (DMM), verify that alarm outputs 0 through 3 are in the
OFF or HIGH state. Perform this test by connecting the low or common of the
multimeter to the ground test lead and the high of the multimeter to the alarm output.
Verify a voltage greater than +3.8V dc.
6. Connect a cable from the Output VA HI and LO connectors of the 5700A to the VΩ
and COM connectors on the front panel of Hydra Series II. Then jumper Hydra
Series II’s VΩ terminal to the H (high) test lead of the Input Module and the COM
terminal to the L (low) test lead.
7. On Hydra Series II, select the VDC function, 3V range, and assign a HI alarm limit
of +1.0000 for channels 0 through 3. Set up all other channels (4-20) to the OFF
function. Select a scan interval of 5 seconds.
8. Set the 5700A to output +0.9900 volts.
9. Press Hydra Series II’s Q button. Hydra Series II should scan channels 0 through 3
every 5 seconds.
10. Using a digital multimeter, again verify that alarm outputs 0 through 3 are in the
OFF or HIGH state.
11. Set the 5700A to output +1.1000 volts. Verify that the alarm outputs 0 through 3 are
in the ON or LOW state (measure less than +0.8V dc).