Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
Enable/Disable RS-232 Echo Mode
ECHO <1 0>
1 = Turn RS-232 echoing on.
0 = Turn RS-232 echoing off.
The echo on mode allows character strings sent from the host to the
instrument, to return (echo) back to the host. When operating the
instrument from a terminal (or computer in the terminal emulation mode),
ECHO 1 is usually selected. If this command is entered during scanning
while logging to the memory card, an Execution Error is generated.
*ESE Event Status Enable
(See front of table.)
*ESE? Event Status Enable Query
(See front of table.)
*ESR? Event Status Enable Query
(See front of table.)
FILE_ERROR? File Error Query
Returns an integer number representing the last memory card error that
was encountered. Once set, this value is only cleared (set to zero) by
performing this query.
The possible card error codes are:
0 No error since last queried or power up.
Card error. No card, invalid file system on card, no file system on card,
format operation failed, file could not be removed, and all other I/O
Bad file name, or out of file names (all 100 file names of the type being
operated on are in used).
Card error during scanning, but no data has been lost. Usually occurs
when card fills during scanning.
Card error during scanning, and data is being lost. The oldest scan data in
queue is being lost as each new scan completes.
Configuration File Load
Loads the instrument configuration from a memory card configuration or
data file.
FILE_LOAD <file>
<file> = SET00.HYD, SET01.HYD, ... SET99.HYD
<file> = DAT00.HYD, DAT01.HYD, ... DAT99.HYD
Execution error if the file does not exist, if the file is not an instrument
configuration or data file, if the file name is not valid, the card is not
installed, or the card is not formatted. An execution error is also generated
if either scanning or monitor is active. The file name convention is not
checked (a data file may be loaded to recover a configuration).
Example: FILE_LOAD SET68.HYD [Loads configuration file SET68.HYD
as the new instrument configuration.]