Service and Repairs
Check Engine Oil
Crankcase capacity is 3–1/2 U.S. qt. (3.3 liter) with filter.
1. Park machine on a level surface. Rotate hood latch
fully counterclockwise and open hood.
2. Remove dipstick and wipe it with a clean rag. Insert
dipstick into tube and make sure it is fully seated. Re-
move dipstick and check level of oil. If level of oil is low,
add enough oil to raise level to notch in dipstick. DO
3. Install dipstick into tube.
4. If oil level is low, clean area around oil fill cap, re-
move cap and add oil until level reaches FULL mark on
dipstick. DO NOT OVERFILL.
5. The engine uses any high–quality detergent oil hav-
Figure 4
ing the American Petroleum Institute—API—“service
1. Hood Latch
classification” SG. Oil viscosity–weight– must be se-
lected according to ambient temperature. Temperature/
viscosity recommendations are:
Single Viscosity Oils
Outside Temperature
–10_F to +60_F SAE 10W
+10_F to +90_F SAE 20W–20
Above +32_F SAE 30
Above +50_F SAE 40
Multi–Viscosity Oils
Figure 5
Outside Temperature
1. Dipstick
Below +60_F SAE 5W–30
–10_F to +90_F SAE 10W–30
Above –10_F SAE 10W–40 or 10W50
Above +10_F SAE 20W–40 or 20W50
IMPORTANT: Check level of oil after every 5 hours of
operation or daily. Change oil after initial 50 hours
and every 100 hours thereafter. Change oil and filter
more frequently when engine is operated in ex
tremely dusty or dirty conditions.
6. Install oil fill cap.
7. Close hood and secure latch.
Figure 6
1. Oil Fill Cap
Ford Gasoline
Groundsmaster 3000
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Ford VSG–411 Engine