When ordering parts or corresponding with ANRITSU Customer Serv
ice, please use the correct serial number with reference to the specific
instrument’s model number (i.e., Model 68347B Synthesized Signal
Generator, Serial No. 403002).
1-5 ELECTRONIC MANUAL This manual is available on CD ROM as an Adobe Acrobat Portable
Document Format (*.pdf) file. The file can be viewed using Acrobat
Reader, a free program that is also included on the CD ROM. The file
is “linked” such that the viewer can choose a topic to view from the
displayed “bookmark” list and “jump” to the manual page on which the
topic resides. The text can also be word-searched. Contact ANRITSU
Customer Service for price and availability.
1-6 RELATED MANUALS This is one of a four manual set that consists of an Operation Manual,
a GPIB Programming Manual, a SCPI Programming Manual, and a
Maintenance Manual.
This manual provides information and instructions
for operation of the series 682XXB/683XXB signal
generators using the front panel controls. It also in-
cludes general information, performance specifica-
tions, installation instructions, and operation
verification procedures. The ANRITSU part number
for the Operation Manual is 10370-10284.
This manual provides information for remote opera-
tion of the series 682XXB/683XXB signal generators
using Product Specific commands sent from an ex
ternal controller via the IEEE 488 General Purpose
Interface Bus (GPIB). It contains a complete listing
and description of all 682XXB/683XXB GPIB Prod
uct Specific commands and several programming
examples. The ANRITSU part number for the GPIB
Programming Manual is 10370-10286.
This manual provides information for remote opera
tion of the series 682XXB/683XXB signal generators
using Standard Commands for Programmable In
struments (SCPI) commands sent from an external
controller via the IEEE 488 General Purpose Inter
face Bus (GPIB). It contains a complete listing and
description of each command in the 682XXB/
683XXB SCPI command set and examples of com
mand usage. The ANRITSU part number for the
SCPI Programming Manual is 10370-10288.
1-6 682XXB/683XXB MM