Function Reference
Wavelength Line Mkr 1/2
Signal Source
Selects either an external single wavelength signal source or the internal cali-
brator as the wavelength calibration source.
Wavelength Referenced In (for external calibration source only)
Selects air or vacuum for the calibration. If the internal calibrator is selected,
this selection will not be available.
Set Calibration Wavelength (for external calibration source only)
This is the exact wavelength of the calibration source that will be used for the
next user wavelength calibration. The wavelength entered must be within
2.5 nm of the wavelength measured using the factory calibration. If the inter-
nal calibrator is selected, this selection will not be available.
User Multipoint Wavelength Calibration Data
Selects either Offset or Replaced for the calibration data. Offset will adjust the
user multipoint data at all wavelengths to provide the best wavelength accu-
racy at the calibration source wavelength.
Replaced will disable the multipoint data when used with an external source
(select Offset to re-enable).
Replaced will delete multipoint data when used with the internal calibrator.
Key Path System > Calibration > Wavelength Cal Setup
CALibrate:WAVelength:STATe ON
CALibrate:WAVelength:STATe OFF
Wavelength Line Mkr 1/2
Allows you to set the positions of the line markers. Wavelength Line Mkr 1 is
always to the left of Wavelength Line Mkr 2. When either one of the line mark-
ers is accessed, the reduced section of the wavelength is highlighted in blue.
The line marker can then be set to the desired position using the knob, step
keys, or numeric keypad. This limits the measurement range of the sweep
limit, search limit, and integrated power.
Key Path Markers > More Marker Functions > Line Marker Menu > Wavelength Line