Function Reference
Sweep Time
Sweep Time
Specifies the amount of time required for the instrument to sweep the current
measurement range. The instrument automatically selects sweep times based
on coupling of the following instrument settings:
• wavelength span
• resolution bandwidth
• video bandwidth
• sensitivity
• trace length
• power level
Coupling of these parameters yields optimum amplitude accuracy. When
Sweep Time is set to Auto, the instrument always uses the fastest sweep pos-
sible while still maintaining the specified accuracy. Coupled, sweep times
range from 56.3 mn to a maximum value that depends on the number of trace
points used to draw the trace. This relationship is shown in the following equa-
The default number of trace points is 1001, so the maximum sweep time is
normally 100 seconds. When Sweep Time is in manual mode, the sweep time
can be set from 56.3 ms to a maximum of 1000 seconds. If you change the
number of trace points, the maximum sweep time changes as well.
Note If the sweep time is set too fast, an over sweep message appears indicating the
display is no longer calibrated and that trace data may not meet specifications.
Increase the sweep time until the over sweep message disappears. If the sweep
time is set too slow, measurement times may be excessively long.
Key Path Bandwidth/Sweep > Sweep Time
Related Functions wavelength span, resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth, sensitivity, trace
length, power level
sweep time
trace points