Function Reference
Display Setup
Turns the title
ON or OFF on the display.
Active Function Area Assist
Automatically sets the Active Function Area (when function is turned on) to
the first or top softkey. For example, when you press the front-panel Band-
width/Sweep key, the Active Function Area Assist function will set the Active
Function Area to resolution bandwidth. This means you can immediately
enter the desired resolution bandwidth. There is no need to press the Res BW
Path Change Instructions Panels
For the Agilent 86144B/86146B Filter Mode only
Allows the choice of disabling the external path align setup instructions.
Filter Mode instruction Panels
For the Agilent 86144B/86146B Filter Mode only
Allows the choice of disabling the auto align, auto measure, and take sweep
setup instructions.
Key Path System > More System Functions > Display Setup
DISPlay:WINDow:TEXT:DATA <string>