Function Reference
Save (Save Setup Panel)
Save (Save Setup Panel)
Selects whether all measurement data or only trace data will be saved. See
“Saving Measurement and Trace Data” on page 2-20.
When Measurement (All Visible + State) is selected, all instrument conditions
will be saved. The measurement data is saved in binary format (.dat file). This
includes the traces and all measurement conditions. The .dat file format can
only be read by the instrument. You will not be able to view this file on your
PC. When the file is recalled, the instrument state will be set to the same state
as when the file was saved.
The Trace(s) Only files are saved in comma separated variable (.csv) format.
When the file is recalled, the trace data is displayed under the current instru-
ment conditions.
If you choose to automatically name your file, measurement data is saved to
the filename ST_xxxxx.dat and Trace(s) only is saved to the filename
TR_xxxxx.csv. “xxxxx” represents a numbering system which is incremented
each time the measurement data is saved. For example, the first time you save
Trace(s) only data, the filename TR_00001.csv will be assigned. Otherwise, a
filename can be specified, refer to “Entering a Filename Using the Arrow
Keys” on page 2-23 and to “Entering a Filename using an External Keyboard”
on page 2-23.
Key Path Save/Recall > Save Menu > Save:
(Measurement) *SAV
(Traces Only):MMEMory:STORe:TRACe