Quantum Data 801GC, 801GF, 801GX Portable Generator User Manual

6-154 Chapter 6: Programming
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A
OUTG OUTputs Gate
Classification: System parameter setting
Command Syntax: OUTG <mode>
Limits: <mode>
0 = OFF
1 = ON
Query Syntax: OUTG?
Query Response: <mode>
Description: The OUTG command gates all video and sync outputs of the
generator ON and OFF. Gating the outputs OFF forces all outputs
to be turned off. Gating the outputs ON turns on all outputs
whose individual gating settings are turned ON. The OUTG?
query returns the current status of the outputs of the generator.
Other Required Cmds: None
Example: OUTG 0 // Disable all outputs
OVAL draw an OVAL
Classification: Custom image primitive
Command Syntax: OVAL <color> <width> <height> <x> <y> <fill pattern>
Limits: <color> = available colors
<width> = total number of horizontal pixels
<height> = total number of lines
<x> = positive integer number
<y> = positive integer number
<fill pattern> = available fill paterns
Query Syntax: None
Description: Draws an oval whose axes are parallel to the vertical and
horizontal axes of displayed video. The size and position of the
oval are defined by its framing rectangle. The framing rectangle
is a rectangle whose sides are both tangent to the oval at four
points and are parallel to the vertical and horizontal axis of
video. Its not drawn as part of the primitive.
Oval uses six (6) parameters. The first is color. The next two are
the pixel width and height of the framing rectangle. The fourth
and fifth parameters are the X and Y coordinates for the top
left-hand corner of the framing rectangle. The last parameter is
the fill.
Other Required Cmds: The FMTU command instructs the generator to use the new
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting
and redraws the test image.
Example: OVAL red 240 150 20 10 GrayPat0 // Draw
// a red oval 240 pixels wide by
// 150 pixels high. Start framing
// rectangle at X=20, Y=10. Fill =
// none