Quantum Data 801GC, 801GF, 801GX Portable Generator User Manual

Custom Image Primitives
These commands are used to draw the individual
primitives that make up user-defined images. All
the available colors and fill patterns are listed here.
An image cannot have more than 16 different colors
in it. Trying to use more than 16 colors causes un-
expected results. The command description section
lists what parameters are needed by each primitive.
Most of the custom image primitives require you to
specify their color.
ADOT draw A single pixel DOT
CENT draw CENTering markers
CROS draw centered CROSs
FORM draw FORMat data block
FRGB Foreground RGB levels
GRIH draw GRIl Horizontally
GRIV draw GRIl Vertically
HATI draw crossHATch starting Inside
HATO draw crossHATch starting Outside
LIMI draw LIMIts markers
LINE draw a LINE
NOGA use NO GAmma correction
OVAL draw an OVAL
PAGE draw a block of text
RECT draw a RECTangle
SNUM draw sequence Step NUMber
TEXT draw TEXT string
TOBL set levels relative TO BLanking
TRIA draw a TRIAngle