To congure the Outlet Managed PDU’s Alarm functions, access the command
mode using a password that allows Administrator level and then activate the Alarm
Conguration menu (in the Text Interface, type /AC and press [Enter]; in the Web
Browser Interface, click on the "Alarm Conguration" link.)
7.1. The Over Current Alarms
The Over Current Alarms are designed to inform you when current consumption
reaches or exceeds user-dened levels. Depending on the specic Outlet Managed
PDU model, Outlet Managed PDUs can have up to four Over Current Alarms (two
sets of two alarms):
• The Over Current Line (Initial) Alarm
• The Over Current Line (Critical) Alarm
• The Over Current Branch (Initial) Alarm
• The Over Current Branch (Critical) Alarm
• The Line Alarms are not available on some Outlet Managed PDU
• The parameters that are defined via the Over Current (Initial and
Critical) Alarm Configuration menus will be applied to both Over
Current Line Alarms and Over Current Branch Alarms.
• The Outlet Managed PDU does not include separate configuration
menus for the Line and Branch Overcurrent Alarms. Parameters
that are defined via the Over Current Alarm configuration menus
will be applied to both Branch and Line (if present) Alarms.
The Line alarms monitor the load on the input line, and are only available on single
input units, whereas the Branch alarms monitor the load on each branch circuit
The Initial alarms are used to provide notication when the level of current
consumption reaches a point where you might want to investigate it, whereas the
Critical alarms can provide notication when the level of current consumption
approaches the maximum allowed level. The trigger levels for the Initial alarms are
generally set lower than the trigger levels for the Critical alarms.
If the user-dened trigger levels for current load are exceeded, the Outlet Managed
PDU can automatically shut off power to non-essential devices ("Load Shedding")
in order to decrease current load. After Load Shedding has taken place, the Outlet
Managed PDU can also restore power to the non-essential devices when current load
drops to user-dened acceptable levels. For more information on Load Shedding,
please refer to Section 7.1.1.