Basic Configuration
5.8. Serial Port Configuration
The Serial Port Configuration menus allow you to select parameters for the MPC's serial
Console Port, as well as the Remote Port and AUX Ports.
• Console Port: The serial Console Port (Port 1) can be configured for connection
to a local PC or Modem or used for connection to serial console ports on other
rack equipment. In addition, the Serial Port Configuration menu can also be used
to set communications parameters, disable Administrator level commands at the
Console Port and also select a number of other Console Port Parameters described
in Section 5.8.1.
• Remote Port: The RJ45 Remote Port is normally used for connection to the
optional MPC-DISPLAY remote display panel. Note however, that if necessary, the
Serial Port Configuration menu can also be used to configure the Remote Port for
communication with other serial devices as described in Section 5.8.2.
• AUX Ports: The RJ45 AUX Ports are normally used for connection to optional
remote MPC units. This allows you to connect up to three additional MPC units
when you need to control additional power outlets via a single IP address. If
necessary, the Serial Port Configuration menus can also be used to configure
the AUX ports for communications with other serial devices as described in
Section 5.8.2.
5.8.1. Console Port Configuration
To configure the MPC's serial Console Port, proceed as follows:
• Text Interface: Type /P 1 and then press [Enter]. The Port Parameters menu will
be displayed as shown in Figure 5.13.
• Web Browser Interface: Click the "Serial Port" link on the left hand side of
the screen to display the Serial Port Configuration Menu. From the Serial Port
Configuration menu, use the dropdown menu to select Port 1 (the Console Port)
and then click on the Select Port button to display the Serial Port 1 Configuration
Menu, as shown in Figure 5.14.
The Console Port Configuration menu allows the following parameters to be defined.
Note that all of these parameters are available via both the Text Interface and Web
Browser Interface, and that parameters selected via one interface are also applied to the
Communication Settings:
• Baud Rate: Any standard rate from 300 bps to 115.2K bps. (Default = 9600 bps)
• Bits/Parity: (Default = 8-None).
• Stop Bits: (Default = 1).
• Handshake Mode: XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS (hardware), Both, or None.
(Default = RTS/CTS).